Happy Thanksgiving, Singers!
Get that turkey and then get ready, because singing season is here! Some of my best memories are connected to Christmas tide services and shows. It's time to pull out those beloved Christmas tunes. Some of my favorites are Silent Night, Grown Up Christmas List, and Mary, Did You Know? Tell me about yours! Thanksgiving is a time to gather, share your talents, and prepare for a warm and loving holiday. Don't forget to give your loved ones a big elbow bump this year. Wear your mask to stay safe. Beyond that though, tell your loved ones you love them. It's important to tell them you care. And, if song is the way... just remember a video chatting app or a video sent via email is a great way to share those loved holiday tunes with appropriate social distancing in place! Want to get that song ready for Grandma... let us know! We can help out! Meredith Studios